본 화상영어는 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고 개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.



본 화상영어는은 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

제 목


교정강사 Rona(C)
등록일 2022-12-06
A. Make these sentences into English.
넌 서울에서 얼마나 머물 계획이야? How long are you planning to stay in Seoul?
넌 그녀를 여기에 언제 데려올 수 있어? When can you bring her here?
넌 충치가 있는 것 같아. You seem you have a cavity.

A. Make these sentences into English.
외계인은 없어. There is no alien.
저길 봐! 유에프오가 있어. 외계인이 틀림 없어. Look over there! There is a UFO. It must be a alien.
나는 무서워. I’m scared.

A. Make these sentences into English.
고마워요, 엄마! Thanks, Mom!
"심순아, 우리 늦었다. 서둘러라!" “Simsoon, we’re late. Hurry up!”
"죄송해요. 내 새 운동화가 없어요." “Sorry. I don’t have my new running shoes.”


A. Make these sentences into English.

How long are you planning to stay in Seoul?

When can you bring her here?

You seem you have a cavity. —> You seem to have a cavity.

=> Corrected : The sentences were corrected grammatically.


A. Make these sentences into English.

There is no alien. —> There are no aliens.

=> Corrected : The sentences were corrected grammatically.

Look over there! There is a UFO. It must be a alien. —> It must be an alien.

=> Corrected : The sentences were corrected grammatically.

I’m scared.


A. Make these sentences into English.

Thanks, Mom!

“Simsoon, we’re late. Hurry up!”

“Sorry. I don’t have my new running shoes.”