본 화상영어는 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고 개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.



본 화상영어는은 업계 최고의 노하우만을 연구하고
개발한, 가장 진보되고, 창의적인 교육 시스템 연구기관 입니다.

제 목

SAMMY's home work

교정강사 Catherine(C)
등록일 2021-06-21

A. Define the words lend and borrow. Make example sentences.

Lend is give some important things of little time.
Borrow is give something of little time.

example) Can you lend some money?
Can I borrow your pen?

B. Make these sentences into English.
-불쌍한 공주!: Poor princess!
-그녀가 울고 있어. 왕비가 그녀를 쫓아냈어.: She is crying.
-그런데, 일곱 난쟁이들은어디에 있지?: Anyway, where are the seven dwarves


A. Define the words lend and borrow. Make example sentences.


Lend is  give some important things of little time. ---> Lend means to give (something) to (someone) to be used for a period of time and then returned. 



Borrow is give something of little time. ---> ​​Borrow ​​means ​to take and use (something that belongs to someone else) for a period of time before returning it.


example) Can you lend some money? ---> Example Sentences: Can you lend me some money?​


Can I  borrow your pen?​ --->​ Can/May I borrow your pen?​


=> Corrected : The sentences are corrected grammatically.


B. Make these sentences into English.


-불쌍한 공주!

Poor princess! Poor princess.

-그녀가 울고 있어. Corrected pattern=> 왕비가 그녀를 쫓아냈어.

She is crying. She's crying. Corrected pattern=> ​The queen kicked her out.

-그런데, 일곱 난쟁이들은어디에 있지?

Anyway, where are the seven dwarves Corrected pattern=> ​By the way, where are the seven dwarfs?